FlGS-TDP Sap Velocity System
• Built-in program computes sap flow for specific trees
• 2 MB data memory, for up to 500,000 data values, or 200 days of hourly records
• Automatic night time zero set, saves processing time
• High-efficiency, 90%+, voltage regulators for sensor heater power
FLGS-TDP XM1000 is a completely integrated measurement system for TDP sap velocity sensors. The XM1000 version of our TDP Sap Flow System includes the latest Expanded Memory Data Loggerplatformandextendedfeaturessuchasreal-timesapflowcalculations and auto zero. Each FLGS-TDP system can read up to 32 TDP10, 30, or 50 sensors.
This basic system can be expanded with additional multiplexer subsystems to read up to 128 TDP sensors. Each TDP thermocouple is connected to a differential channel on the logger. All the necessary electronics, software and sensors are assembled into a complete solution.