SapIP-IRT Wireless IR Temperature


• Very narrow field of view
• Excellent for Pivot or drip irrigation
• Rechargeable batteries (solar- 2 W sold separately)
• Up to 27 units per network on a coordinator
• 10 sec to 60 min output timing
• ± 0.5 C accuracy over wide range of ambient (0° to 60° C)
• 300 – 500 ft range based on antennas distance
• Analog output versions available

The SapIP-IRT wireless infrared (IR) temperature sensor is the latest development in IR leaf temperature sensing for use in irrigation scheduling and plant stress detection. This new system allows for up to IRT sensors to be distributed throughout a field, and data to be collected with a single coordinator or gateway. Using the “Watcher” software, all data can be collected from the coordinator and stored on your computer. The data can easily be imported into a spreadsheet for analysis and graphing. Plant stress models are available and can be used to determine if, and when, your crops need irrigation, and flags are used when irrigation is required.

IRT Stress Accumulator Data Loggers can be used when remote IR sensor networks are required. Up to (25) IR sensors can be monitored simultaneously, and repeaters can be used to add distance and expand the system by adding more IRT sensors. Data is collected using a WiFi connection up to 50 ft away. Web page data access and mapping is included.
