Oxygen Measurements Gas-phase oxygen electrode system

Leafview 1 is an entry-level system for studies of photosynthesis and respiration from gas-phase, solid-state samples under actinic illumination. The system is ideally suited to teaching environments for under and post-grad plant biology studies of the photosynthetic processes but is equally at home in research facilities where demands on equipment performance are high.

Samples typically consist of leafdiscs which are either cut from a broad leaf or made up of a “mat” of smaller leaves to form a circular disc of 10cm2. Changes in the oxygen content of the sealed sample chamber are determined by the integral oxygen electrode mounted in the base of the chamber.

  • Convenient, entry-level system for the study of photosynthesis & respiration measurements in gas-phase samples under illumination
  • LD1/2 electrode unit suitable for leafdiscs up to 10cm2cut from whole leaves, algae or moss etc
  • Oxygen electrode control & signal acquisition via Oxyview control unit
  • Illumination via LS2 high-intensity tungsten-halogen white light source
  • LS2 intensity adjustable by insertion of neutral-density filters
  • Oxygen signal output from Oxyview to recording device via 0V – 5V analogue output
  • Upper optical port allows uniform illumination from LS2 from directly above the sample.
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