DEX Electronic Dendrometers
• Non-destructive
• Measure plant growth or stress level
• Long-term measurements possible
• Weatherproof and rugged for field study
• Woody stemmed, herbaceous plants, & fruits
• Real-Time measurements
The DEX20, DEX70, DEX100 and DEX200 are highly precise electronic dendrometers that measure the growth and size of plant stems and fruits. The effects of environmental factors on the water balance of plants and stem size variations over time are easily monitored with a temperature compensated dendrometer. The DEX is a caliper-style device with a full bridge strain gage attached to a flexible arm. The output signal is then recorded by a data logger or computer in real time. The millivolt sensor output shows both the diurnal and long term growth or stress level of the plant. The device has been used to test plants under conditions of water stress, elevated ozone and other atmospheric pollutants. Applications for screening plants for growth rate and stress tolerance are also common.